Sunday, June 21, 2009

grabbing a hold of myself..

y this will happen?
hu noes? hu can answer me?

evrytime whn assignments starts..
i wil get a hold of myself..
im not a natural leader..
i hv lots to learn..
hoping dat evry1 will fine wit d decision..
hoping dat i can come out with sth dat making ppl satisfied..
i jz on d mode of trying my best..
not very best..
i noe i can do more well..
i noe dat lots of frenz r around me..
they r suppporting me..
they r caring me..
thay r helping me..
im very touched..
really touched..

to hu it may concern..
(baobei, nemo, mo, jason, cloudy, ah maa, sharon, zi wei, jimmy,xin loong n others)
thx to ur words..
it is a strenght for me..
a light in d darkness..
a guide whn im lost..
a warmth whn i was disappointed..
those words may b common..
but makes me have d braveness to stand up again..
makes me dare to make another step..
thx a lot..
really thx...
i promise..
i will not gv up no matter wat..
i willl try my very best everytime..
trust me..
karman is still standing..
n waiting u all to gv me a big hug!! ^o^

Monday, June 15, 2009

Haru Haru by BIGBANG

Ye the finally I realize that Im nothing without you
I was so wrong forgive me
ah ah ah ah-
我浪花般粉碎的心 我风一般动摇的心
我轻烟般消失的爱情 像纹身般无法抹去
长叹一口气 我的心里布满的只有灰尘
即使呼喊着想见你 你也毫无回应
即使怀着没有一丝希望的期待 现在也已无济于事
你身边的那个人是谁 会不会让你哭泣
不知你眼里还能否容下我 是否早已忘得一干二净
担心得不敢靠近 不敢说话 心焦如焚
独自一人熬夜 无数次抹去你的记忆
离开时请不要回头 以后活着也不要再找我
因为爱你 没有一丝悔意 所以请只带着美好的回忆离去
勉强可以忍受 勉强可以撑下去
我越是这样 你越要活的幸福 一天天渐渐失去感觉
oh girl i cry cry yo my all say goodbye..
即使走在路上 你我偶然相遇
也请装作没看到 继续走你的路
你要一直跟他幸福 不能让我产生一丝期待
不能让我有一丝留恋 要好好过下去 好好过给我看
你要一直像那天空 像那飘着的白云
要一直保持那张笑脸 装作若无其事的样子
离开时请不要回头 以后活着也不要再找我
因为爱你 没有一丝悔意 所以请只带着美好的回忆离去
勉强可以忍受 勉强可以撑下去
我越是这样 你越要活的幸福 一天天渐渐失去感觉
希望离我而去后 你的心能得到平静 请忘记我活下去
随着一天天的流逝 那些眼泪总有一天会消失
如果没有相见 也许伤痛会少些
要永远在一起的那个约定 希望你能埋没在回忆中
离开时请不要回头 以后活着也不要再找我
因为爱你 没有一丝悔意 所以请只带着美好的回忆离去
勉强可以忍受 勉强可以撑下去
我越是这样 你越要活的幸福 一天天渐渐失去感觉
oh girl I cry cry
yo my all say goodbye bye
oh my love dont lie lie
yo my heart say good bye


今早从芙蓉回来,一路上还蛮平安的。一直到了pasar seni。。
哇靠!那么多人在等LRT.. =.=





Sunday, June 14, 2009

blur n confused..

hu noes..
hu cares..
hu say..
hu decide..
hu pray..
hu believe..
hu betray..
hu leaves..
hu silence..

hu can tell me.. wats dis all about?? thousands of matters dat i wondering.. theres no fix answer for dat.. jz lik bac to d grey grey places.. where every1 keeing their own secret.. telling half half making ppl crazy.. letting ppl wondering at d pointless end.. is this all about? being questioned n self questioning.. making d mind go mad.. cant find a fix answer.. cant find a fix definition.. good? wats ur definition for good? bad? wats ur definition for bad? why... cant make this more simple...?? or jz im making it complicated...??

Saturday, June 13, 2009

lonely night..

i think this is d first time.. i being alone in d house in this sem.. after soo long din being alone since year 1 starts...

dats terrible.. dats all i can say.. dat reminds me bout anything.. n everything..

from d day i step in to d house to start my staying outside life.. away from those familiar surroundings... i know dat my life gonna change.. as ppls do always say.. dats d turning point of d life.. dat double storey terrece house.. is one of my turning point... n a new start to be independent...

another is.. d whole year 1 dat i pass thru.. dats really fast for me.. evrything jz lik happen yday.. n i still have those fresh memories in my mind.. everything.. all i can say is.. phew.. time really wait for nobody.. haha..

uhm.. i guess.. i kinda clear out my mind.. mayb affected by 1 song.. "haru haru" by big bang.. is a korean song.. hmm.. dats my fav song.. n make me realise some theory dat i always left out.. i guess dats a good thing for me..

being loney is not dat bad actually.. is jz lik a part of my relaxing life.. doin sth dat i want.. letting me to be myself for few hours.. even dat sounds really terrible coz being alone.. heh.. is not dat bad.. is not dat terrible.. ^^